Photos from the December Luncheon. (Please click on photos to enlarge.) Mary Ellen Jones, Gary Kelly Gary Kelly, Masa Yamagami, Howard Thrall Sherry Staber, Landon Nitschke, Angela Marano Harvey Cohen, Frank Pray, David Leuschen, David Davenport Leah Koontz, Nan Barry, Marilyn Post, Carol Kelly Ed Concilio, Tony Mims Gary Edwards, Helen Hill, David Harvey Andrew Watterson, Candice Cook Irvin, Peter Giorgio Craig Maccuban, Ron Eaton, Mike Wilson, Troy Jonas, Kent Horton Derek Tate, Tom Nealson, Kyle Moore Barry Eccleston, Scott Ashton, Paul Lange Harris Herman, Nathan Hicks, Frank Rosenberg Thierry Garcy, Marcus Mardirosian, Richard Fuller Karen Bowmon, Vickie Carr, Amy Donovan, Gavin Roy Jillian Riffino, Nadia Nawbatt, Bernice Stevens Dave McKay, Gary Kelly Seated: Bob Craft, Gary Kelly, Mary Ellen Jones, David Davenport; Standing: Dave McKay, Barry Eccleston, Terry Maxon, Mike Van de Ven Terry Maxon, Gary Kelly Terry Maxon, Barry Eccleston Mary Ellen Jones, Terry Maxon Mike Van de Ven, Mary Ellen Jones, Declan Kelly Ed Dowd, Mary Ellen Jones, Mike Van de Ven Southwest Model Airplane Mary Ellen Jones, Gary Kelly