Photos from the May Luncheon in Geneva. (Please click on photos to enlarge.) Welcome Reception Dimitris Kolias, Ralph Vasami Graham Williamson, Martine Wellens, Brandon Mitchener, Dan MacLellian Jurg Reuthinger, Heinz Aebi, Neil Boyle Jean Rosanvallon, Alirezza Ittihadieh Eileen Spear, Trevor Lambarth Paul Lange, Rob McAdams Sandra Tymchuck, Mike Minchow Robert Shimanko, Paul De Salis, Sven Ohligs-Von Bismarck, Thomas Limberger Pierre Beaudoin Stephanie Siouffi, Julie Perovic Tom Fitzsimmons, Nadia Rivron Starling Hotel Geneva Ballroom Sven Ohligs-Von Bismarck, Robert Shimenko, Paul de Salis Victor Grove Jean-Christophe Gallagher, James Meyler Model Airplane from Bombardier Business Aircraft James Meyler, Jean-Christophe Gallagher with the winner of the model plane Jean-Christophe Gallagher