Photos from the January Luncheon. (Please click on photo to enlarge.) Eli Gross, Bill Flynn, Adam Kokas Maurice Guercio, Robert McAdams, Sharon DeVivo, John Dunkin Bruce Nobles, Steve Townes, Frank Pray, Neil Getter John Stack, Steve Townes Nicole Rodieck, Anthony Cimino, Toshie Takenaka, Shannon Sahli Ed Brown, Joe Anselmo, Barry Eccleston Debbie Coffey, Paul Sawhny, Steve Harfst Robert Kuzma, Henk Guitjens Ryan Salay, Anthony Cimino, Felix Genatio Frank Pray, Bill Flynn Mandy Martin, John Hicks, Theo Rosario, Jeff Edwards Sharon DeVivo, Frank Pray and the students from Vaughn College Seated: Howard Rubel, Bill Flynn, Frank Pray, David Davenport; Standing: Bruce Nobles, Joe Anselmo, Matthew Greene, Sharon DeVivo Delilah Dicrescenzo, Mendeves Cirakoglu, Eric Drouin, Marshall Prokop Joe Anselmo Joe Anselmo, Bill Flynn Bill Flynn Barry Eccleston Joe Anselmo, Bill Flynn Frank Pray, Ryan Salay, Bill Flynn Frank Pray, Bill Flynn Atlas Air Model Plane